Windmill Cancer Will Kill Us All
Now I know what you are thinking. What is Trey smoking? But I’m not smoking. You know that windmill’s don’t cause cancer. Even most Republicans/Conservatives don’t believe that windmills cause cancer. But Trump said it. Multiple times. And yet no one in his party is willing to stand up to him to say, “No Mr. President, they don’t.” So the lie stands. And it isn’t the only lie. It’s one of the most absurd ones, granted, but who cares, right? So he lied, why get worked up about it? Because that one lie maybe be harmless, but the other countless lies aren’t.
“All’s well!” he tweeted after the Iranians bombed our troops in Iraq. And that was a lie. Over 100 service members are being treated for traumatic brain injuries. Why did we assassinate the Iranian General? It was an imminent threat. Lie. He was planning to attack a US embassy. Lie. No, it was 4 embassies. Lie. And yet no in his party is willing to talk about his lies.
And there’s a couple of reasons for that. One must not dispute the glorious leader. And yes that’s a bit sarcastic, but it’s true. He’s made it clear that anyone who challenges him on anything, and I do mean anything, will become a target. And the current Republicans in Congress are afraid they will lose their job if they risk his ire. But what about your ordinary Trump supporters. Why don’t they say something. Anything? Because once they start to analyze and pick at one lie, once they agree that he’s lied, then do they deny the next lie? The tower of lies will collapse on them.
Now I’ve heard people write off the lies as harmless (if we are willing to lie about why we kill someone, they aren’t) or that all politicians lie. And I’ll grant that when a politician is running for office they may say their policy is X, but then once they get into office, they change their mind, they have to compromise, or it gets changed as part of the bill writing process, and it ends up Y. That’s not the same thing at all. The President is routinely saying things that are just observationally and provably not true.
So why will windmill cancer kill us all? Because if Trump supporters aren’t willing to hold the President to account for the small stuff, then they sure as hell won’t do it for the big stuff. And it’s the big stuff that will really destroy America. And there are lots of people who aren’t Trump fans, but will go along with it because they get the judges they want or the economy is doing well for them. So they will just overlook the lies, the breaking of laws, the corrupting of our government, and when they finally realize what a danger he is, it will be too late for all of us.