All About Trey

Life, Travel, Adventure

80's Nights!

Well I'm fasting on Mondays for Lent. Look I'm not super crazy religious, but not eating for a day won't kill me if you know what I mean. So Monday was fun. Got up, did a bunch of cardio at the gym, and then proceeded to drink my way through the day. Thank God for Crystal Light Peach Tea. I'm a serious junkie. Anyways, after work I went back to the gym to lift. I did my little treadmill warm up thing and then started with lat pulldowns. I think I got through maybe the 8th rep when I realized that this was SO not happening. I had NO strength at all. None. My body was just tired. And when I stood up, I was a bit dizzy. Nice. So I ended up doing an hour on the bike, not killing myself, but definitely feeling the burn. Then that night GreekBoi and I went to see Music and Lyrics at the Dupont theaters. And you know what, it was actually kind of cute. Of course it starts with the cheesiest music video that was just a hilarious send up of all of those awful 80s videos! Pop! Goes My Heart!

Then Tuesday night was First Tuesdays, but it was at JRs. Which is kind of small for the 60ish people who usually attend. Plus I think JRs has their own usual crowd, so adding 60 more to the mix was a mistake. Plus, I think every gay man who enters JRs automatically goes into the standard S&M mode which doesn't make conversation very easy. Of course, as distracting as it was, I was loving the video's since it was 80's night! I did get to meet GCinDC, who was very nice! But then GreekBoi got bored, or tired, and we were out of there. Which is just as well since I had work to do.