All About Trey

Life, Travel, Adventure

I'm a Blog-Daddy!!!

Yes, it's true. I'm officially a blog-daddy. Greek boy has started his own blog!!! I'm so proud. So now you can hear the other side of the story. Don't believe what I write on my blog? Then check his out! And he's got many mory stories about Dolce and Gabanna, so check him out!

Okay, back to me.

Hmm, tres shitty week. Had the some serious work problems on Monday. Then I started to feel bad. Weird neck/shoulder pain, weird headaches, random sensitivity to light. Just not good. And then on Tuesday when I saw these weird bumps on my shoulders, I knew what it was. And the nurse confirmed it. Shingles. Oh yeah. But I caught it early and I'm on good drugs, so that's good. But needless to say that put a damper on my week. I stayed home on Thursday since technically I'm contagious. Nice, right?

I'm now at home awaiting the return of my Dad. He's been gone all week riding up the C&O Canal. He was completely worried about the rain and we had like no rain in DC for like the whole month of April. And I swear it's rained every day this week. Oh well. He called and he sounded okay, so I'll hear about it soon enough.

I can't end this week without talking about the Madonnarama at Nation. OH MY GOD!! What fun. What great music. And what wimps of friends I have. I had sent them all an email before I left for Mexico reminding them of the Madonnarama. Hello, I've spent all day on a plane and I'm tired as sh!t and I'm still going! Only one of my friends made it, but we lasted till almost 430AM. It really was a great time.

While there I ran into this really woofy guy. About my height, nice biceps, nice beard, and a great smile. I was going to say hi, but he was always with his friends. So I ran into him tonight at Halo. He works there. I was only going to do one drink, but since he was behind the bar, I went for a second. So cute, and he admitted that he was at Madonnarama. But our time was cut short as he had to help someone else. The bad news? His mojito totally sucked. I could barely keep it down. Oh well, I'm sure he could make it up to me in other ways!