All About Trey

Life, Travel, Adventure

A Grey November Day

I took the day off. Well, let me re-phrase that. I didn't go into the office today. I did spend most of the day on the computer doing work, I just wasn't at work.

After lunch I go outside for a walk. The weather is weird. It's a grey November day, but it's not cold, thought it feels like it should be. It's almost 60 degrees and I'm in a pair of shorts. Futilely holding on to summer when I know winter is just around the corner. I follow my usual route. Up P St to the Circle. I never get to experience my neighborhood during a normal work day, so it all seems a bit odd. Except for the occasional homeless person or chess player or the business man crossing from one side to the other, the Circle is mainly empty. I sit on the edge of the fountain and look at the cloud formations reflected in the water. The rippling of the water from the fountain makes the clouds look rough and stormy, but they aren't. They are just there, clinging to the sky and creating that late afternoon grey blanket. There is a flock of pigeons in the Circle. They rise from the ground as a one big squadron, bank left, then right, and then settle on a leafless tree. There are other trees nearby, some with leaves, but they are all positioned on this one tree. It is hard to see a branch that isn't covered by pigeons. It reminds me of "The Birds". Slowly, in a small groups of no more than 3 or 4, the pigeons descend from the tree to a grassy area around 50 feet off. It's a constant stream of pigeons and I watch fascinated by the progression. It's time to move on and I walk north out of the Circle towards Connecticutt. I have to walk through the pigeon's flight patch. At this point, they are low and they easily pass around me as I keep walking. They don't bother me, and I don't bother them.

Here's a picture of my street.