Democracy in Action and Reunion Part II
Democracy In Action. So I got to sleep in a bit since the plan was to hit the polls first thing in the morning. So no morning workout, just a little extra sleep, shower, dress, vote to change America, and then head to work. It all sounds so simple, doesn't it? Well, I head out of my place around 645AM to walk the 4-5 blocks to the polling place. When I get there, the line is atleast over 150 people long and has stretched down one side of the block and has turned the corner. Just amazing. In Virigina, I used to waltz right up to the polling place, check in, vote, and then head out. Wham, Bam, thank you Uncle Sam. But not in DC. First was the line to get into the polling place. Then once inside, you had to stand in line to check in based on your name (L-R). Then once you had checked in, you had to stand in line to get a ballot. A paper ballot. Gee, how 1960ish. Then you went to vote and then you had to stand in line to feed your ballot to the machine. All total, it took about an hour for the process. Next time I'll know to bring a book. But an hour is definitely worth the price for democracy. I would have stood in line all day to vote. I just wish my vote was in a swing state or a red state so it would matter.
Speaking of, it dawned on me while I was standing in line that vote has never really counted, and I've been voting since I was 18. Okay, here's the deal. All of my time in the military, I voted via absentee ballot. And unless the race is close, and usually in CO (my military home of record) it isn't, the absentee ballots don't get counted. So this time I get to vote in a real election and hopefully make a difference, and what do I do? I move into DC and my vote gets lost in the blue tide that will give Kerry 3 electoral votes. Oh well. I've looked at all of those red states and I have to say, ugh! I'm not moving there.
Reunion Part II. Have you been to a reunion lately? Does it remind you of a job interview or a trade show? There's a whole bunch of people you vaguely remember, most of them have changed (fat, bald, whatever), and what do you say to them? You haven't seen them in X number of years, so unless you've kept in touch with some of them, you stick to generalities. For my reunion, the conversation script was as follows:
1) Are you in or out (of the Navy that is).
2) So what you doing now (for the Navy or in the real world)
3) Still single, or are you married, or divorced? Children?
4) Isn't the reunion great. Having a blast? Have you seen so and so?
5) Hey, it's been great talking with you, I want to go say hello to (insert random name)
6) Buh-bye.
I started to get tired of the script after awhile and thought about mixing it up a bit.
1) Oh yeah, I'm out of the Navy.
2) Nope, I'm sort of between opportunities right now if you know what I mean. My last employer had some sort of problem about me using company funds to pay for my herion addiction.
3) The wife left me after I sold her wedding ring and all of her jewelry to pay for a fix. The good news is that I think I've kicked the habit and looking for work again. Does your company have any openings?
4) Oh, I understand. Have you seen (insert name here), he said he might be able to hook me up with some place to sleep tonight. I'm kind of homeless at this point.
5) No I completely understand. Tell (insert name here) I said hello.
6) Buh-bye.
Of course, I could just tell my classmates I am gay and then see which ones freak out. But that's just way too much drama.
Speaking of, it dawned on me while I was standing in line that vote has never really counted, and I've been voting since I was 18. Okay, here's the deal. All of my time in the military, I voted via absentee ballot. And unless the race is close, and usually in CO (my military home of record) it isn't, the absentee ballots don't get counted. So this time I get to vote in a real election and hopefully make a difference, and what do I do? I move into DC and my vote gets lost in the blue tide that will give Kerry 3 electoral votes. Oh well. I've looked at all of those red states and I have to say, ugh! I'm not moving there.
Reunion Part II. Have you been to a reunion lately? Does it remind you of a job interview or a trade show? There's a whole bunch of people you vaguely remember, most of them have changed (fat, bald, whatever), and what do you say to them? You haven't seen them in X number of years, so unless you've kept in touch with some of them, you stick to generalities. For my reunion, the conversation script was as follows:
1) Are you in or out (of the Navy that is).
2) So what you doing now (for the Navy or in the real world)
3) Still single, or are you married, or divorced? Children?
4) Isn't the reunion great. Having a blast? Have you seen so and so?
5) Hey, it's been great talking with you, I want to go say hello to (insert random name)
6) Buh-bye.
I started to get tired of the script after awhile and thought about mixing it up a bit.
1) Oh yeah, I'm out of the Navy.
2) Nope, I'm sort of between opportunities right now if you know what I mean. My last employer had some sort of problem about me using company funds to pay for my herion addiction.
3) The wife left me after I sold her wedding ring and all of her jewelry to pay for a fix. The good news is that I think I've kicked the habit and looking for work again. Does your company have any openings?
4) Oh, I understand. Have you seen (insert name here), he said he might be able to hook me up with some place to sleep tonight. I'm kind of homeless at this point.
5) No I completely understand. Tell (insert name here) I said hello.
6) Buh-bye.
Of course, I could just tell my classmates I am gay and then see which ones freak out. But that's just way too much drama.